In observing and maintaining smooth water services to the drinking public, GCWD has seen the need to adjust the minimum monthly water rate. As deliberated upon by members of the Board through BOD Resolution Number 43, series of 2013, the management has given limits to the allowable adjustment that may not hamper smooth water services and the economically drained concessionaires.
The position of the management on a meager adjustment was mainly due to the highest increase so far implemented by MORESCO II of its previous power charges which ranges from P284,666.00 to P498,911.00 pesos monthly starting from November 2013. As directed by the Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA), the management and BOD had considered the good Fiscal management and economic conditions of the majority of the drinking public to determine the possible and reasonable adjustment of the minimum water rate. Based on records, the tabulated water rate adjustment was done during the Public Hearing held on July 27, 2001 at Penthouse, City Hall. GCWD has supposedly implemented the P240.00 to P252.00 pesos, between 2005 and 2008, but it opted few years thereafter to implement P228.00 only or an amount of P20 pesos starting from February 2014 for January 2014 water consumptions.
Admin/Gen. Services Div. Manager – C